Friday, December 14, 2007

Warm feelings, plot twists, and losing myself. lol

I have that warm feeling. *pause* NOT THERE! Filthy people! I meant the feeling that I get when I'm all excited about my WIP (work in progress). My plot took a twist that I wasn't even expecting. I'm calling it the NY twist. A NY twist is when the romance novel takes a turn that just seems to work.

*toughtful moment* How can I relate that to people that don't write romance? It's that magic moment when the story hits the top of a hill and WHOOSH! You know you're on the downward slope. The "hold your hat with one hand, grip the safety bar before you, scream, laugh, and swear off roller coasters for another year" feeling. For me it's the best part of the book and the worst. It gets harder for me to finish the book after I hit this moment. There are so many ways it can go now that it makes my job harder. Yet it's the best because the writer and the reader really knows the characters by this point. You're so involved with them that you start thinking like them. It's magic!

*Gasp* You feel possessed! Body snatcher victim! This is where you start thinking, "Kill him! Kiss him! Jump his bones! DO SOMETHING NOW!!" lol You're not you anymore.

It started with me opening my document and thinking "Now where was I?" After scanning the previous night's work I found I tend to lose me after a few minutes of deep thought...and now I can't wait to return to the story to see where the leading man is taking her. GRRRR He's a rascally devil with quite a temper, but I wouldn't mind a wrestling session with him, let me tell ya. lol

I hate this blog entry. LMAO All of it is true, but I hate it. It's boring. NY Twist, body snatchers, and warm feelings aside, there's no body here. ACKKK! I've lost myself again. See? Deep thought moment and now nobody's here! LOL

And on that note...*sigh* I'm off to find myself and that warm feeling again. (Psst...check out my mood on this blog on Myspace. What the hell does ninja mean anyway? LOL If I find myself will I kick my own ass?)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

New Interview

Come check out my newest interview!

New Interview

Come check out my newest interview!