Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Having A Contest....

Yep. That's right. I'm having a writing contest at my yahoo group. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/etherealrealmsNo prize other than feel good comments posted. The contest's only purpose is to stretch your imagination and rejuvinate your muse (those sensitive creatures need massages from time to time). This is the second such contest and it was a huge hit first time. I'm eager to have new contestants. The rules are posted at the group. Who knows, you may find a new story to expand upon and be your next big hit!!!Stop by and impress us!At ER your stories are yours. Feel free to post them for the contest and then delete them if you want or leave them as proof that you wrote it. We're a bash-free and encouraging place for writers to meet and grow. All categories of romance are welcome!